Re: Windows 11
Reply #4 –
Being a retired IT pro and the cynic I am, and given the history of the quality of m$ release products, there is no way on this earth I would install Win 11 before it's been around for at least a year, and maybe not even then. I only moved from XP 2 years ago because I finally HAD to move to a new machine.
IMHO the first XP was very poor, but by the time SP3 was out it'd become quite reasonable
Vista was a disaster
Win 7 was just enough better to be reliable but configurability was terrible
Win 8 and 10 added their terrible UI changes and even more configurability issues, 11 just seems to make things worse again.
Seriously, if I'd wanted a Mac and iPhone combined, I would've bought a Mac and an iPhone, I don't need windoze to pretend to be one.