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Topic: MUSICXML TO NOTEWORTHY CONVERTER (Read 32076 times) previous topic - next topic


Reply #50
In order to download the installation file, you'll now have to be logged in.

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- username: 'NWC User'
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Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #51
Hi Opagust,

I downloaded and installed your MXML2NWC version 1.1.4 tool today.  When I select a XML file, the filename displays in the Loggings window but this error message appears immediately: 

  Attribute value not quoted in 'measure number = "1"'

I don't know what that means or how to fix it.

The file is an xml file exported from SharpEye2.

(It may not be a glitch in your programme, because I've been having problems with the Niversoft converter too.  It did two files, but while it says it converted the next three files, the nwctxt files won't download.)

Any suggestions, please?




Reply #52
Hi David,

I think the problem is the space after the equal sign in 'measure number = "1"''.
You may try to download and run my NWCCONVERTOR program.

I wrote this  program after MXML2NWC and it can convert both ways.
NwcConvertor has had several updates, but MXML2NWC is no longer maintained.

I tried myself to run NwcConvertor with a XML file where I put spaces around the equal sign and it ran without any error. 

I hope this will solve your problem, otherwise please let me know.

Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #53
Hi again, Gust

I'm afraid I have no idea how to find the character string in the xml file with the extra space, but I tried your newer programme, NWCCONVERTER.  It seems to open and run, but then I got this error message.

Unhandled exception in script
Failed to execute script 'nwcconvertor' due to unhandled exception: (P1', 1, '2')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 698, in <module>
  File "", line 630, in process_main_window
  File "", line 473, in event_convert
  File "", line 468, in convert
  File "", line 2192, in convert
  File "", line 2098, in process_tag_element
  File "", line 2098, in process_tag_element
  File "", line 2098, in process_tag_element
  File "", line 2100, in process_tag_element
  File "", line 1104, in convert_tag_note_end
  File "", line 1005, in set_attributes
  File "", line 877, in process_slur
  File "", line 840, in start_slur
  File "", line 665, in nwc_staff_index
KeyError: ('P1', 1, '2'). 

The xml file was created in SharpEye2 by scanning 53 pages of music.  I think the file is just too large for your converter, so I SharpEyed just one page.  It converted very well in your programme.   It also works in Niversoft's converter. 

So, I've learned something.  Big files may not work.  And I'll experiment a little to see how many pages of music will be the limit.

Thank you so very much for your help and your suggestion to use the new programme NWCCONVERTER.

Good stuff.
