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Topic: From two staves to three staves (Read 1397 times) previous topic - next topic

From two staves to three staves

I'm transcribing a rather complicated score. At the twenty-fifth measure the two initial staves become three and, alternately, the third staff, the added one, carries the soprano or bass clef. I ask if it is possible to transcribe the score in this way. Otherwise I'll put the four separate staves. I attach some pictures. Thanks and and happy Sunday. Lorenzo

Re: From two staves to three staves

Reply #1
Not really any problem at all.
  • 1st step is to have enough staves to cover your needs
  • then notate as if the extra stave(s) aren't there EXCEPT you position them in so that the one(s) to be "added" later are in the correct vertical position.  E.G. the S.A staff might be the top one, the future A one would be the 2nd staff and the T.B staff either the 3rd or the bottom one
  • Place a "Boundary Marker" <]> at the beginning of the unneeded staff to collapse it and fill it with rests up to the point it is needed
  • Place another "Boundary Marker" <]> to restore the collapsed staff (I suggest after the first bar line and before the first note at the bar the split happens and perhaps set a system break on the bar line) and populate as required.
  • If/when it is no longer needed repeat step 3 except place the marker after the last bar line of the separate section
  • Ditto if the T.B staff is to split at any point

N.B. all staves will be visible in the editor at all times (even viewer mode).  The change will only be seen in print preview and on the printed page.

BTW, I could be very wrong but I suspect that bass clef should first appear at the breath mark in bar 37...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: From two staves to three staves

Reply #2
Many thanks, I will read your answer calmly and carefully (and with the translator running). Your observation about the bass clef is correct: the printed score shows it like this! Good day (night?).