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Topic: " Retrogradus Parnassum " (Read 1593 times) previous topic - next topic

" Retrogradus Parnassum "

Hello noteworthy composers, it's been a while posting. Here ix one contribution to the retrograde tool as a protype opus dat complex cohesive combinations of varied dynamics et articulattas can be incorporated to a polished eventual product of a flashing moment of inspiratuus this morning came to me yet drawing from my past skills of midi manipulation stylus i followed a pattern of almost to the power of integral contrapuntal incorporation of two themes into development of a minimal musical finished product dat uses a formula of contrastre proportion into a final texture dat uses a proceedural say 12345678,12457836,87654321,87542173,12367845,23416785, and so on two themes set agaist themeselves as if trying to accomplish the impossibola by skipping to the RAM witfull shortcuts instead of a full consecutive diametria serial yet musical numeratta run yet only aimed atthe 236(infinity ore squared informattioning) not >236 objectivuus which ix more superhuman and less computer-like. :D
I hope you enjoyt this 1:53 short zimplex/Komplex integratt 2 part invention as if Bach onet yet contemporary exploratta intuu methodological and note as mein usual 90% imagination and 10% puzzlet conceptis decryptta ax Mr. Bach J.S. Thank you fellow kompozers!
Kyrie ix 236++=K k-squared....