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Topic: Can I make triplet markers invisible? (Read 1865 times) previous topic - next topic

Can I make triplet markers invisible?

I'm working on O Holy Night which is in Common Time, but much of the right hand piano accompaniment is in triplets (looks like it's 12/8). To get the other staves to line up properly, I must mark the triplets (actually six notes beamed, i.e. one beam for two triplets), but it seems to be a lot of tedious work AND it looks quite messy. Isn't there a way to make the triple symbols invisible (after the first measure and adding the word simile)? Thank you.

Re: Can I make triplet markers invisible?

Reply #1
You can add a Marker in front of the second and later triplets in your score, with the marker's Triplet box checked, and its visibility set to Never. This hides the triplet marking.  See the following clip for an example.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]


Re: Can I make triplet markers invisible?

Reply #2
Thanks, Mike! I had inserted the triplets by highlighting each group of notes and clicking the triplets button. Going back and highlighting a triplet then didn't give me the option of making it invisible (since no marker showed to highlight for options). Whew. Thank you!