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Topic: Multiple Measure Rests (Read 3533 times) previous topic - next topic

Multiple Measure Rests

Hey All,

I searched through the offline forum, and found my question asked: Does NWC support multiple-measure rests, where a whole note measure includes a bold bar across the top, with a number embedded in the center, to indicate how many whole measures to rest? The answer in the offline forum (by Andrew Purdam) was "Nope."

This question was asked on 5/3/97, a few releases of NWC have come by since then. Does NWC have a way to support this feature when printing out a single staff? I have saved many a staff to a separate file and accomplished this by using text for the bolded "# of measures" bar. But then of course NWC does not understand the "collapse" of the staff, and automatic measure numbering must be turned off, and the measure numbers also input as text (assuming you want measure numbering, as I do).

Is this a good item for the wish list? Ideas on how to do this more easily than what I am doing? Thanks in advance for everyone's thoughts and contributions.


Re: Multiple Measure Rests

Reply #1
I'm sure this is already on the wish list. But it never hurts to ask again. And again. And again.

Re: Multiple Measure Rests

Reply #2

If your only interest is in printing the part, the answer is "yes." Barry's Boxmarks font has the facility to insert those "multi-bar rests".

Just delete all but one of those multiple bars, insert the appropriate "multi-bar indicator" from Boxmarks, and save the modified file as a separate file (in case you have to do it again after finding an error) <== Speaking from experience! ;-)


Re: Multiple Measure Rests

Reply #4
I forgot that Boxmarks has got the multi-bar marking in it (I've been using plain old text, e.g.

|----- 53 -----|

I use Boxmarks fairly regularly, too, and still forgot!

I will also add this to the wishlist (again) as it would be much nice if NWC handled it for print, and could still keep track of the measure numbers for you.

Thanks again everyone,


Re: Multiple Measure Rests

Reply #5
Multiple Measure rests... what is Boxmarks?
Please put multiple measure rests as a feature of NWC!

Re: Multiple Measure Rests

Reply #6
Boxmarks is a "User Font" designed by Barry Graham that you can install in one of the four supplied "User Fonts" slots provided for that purpose in NWC.

You can download it from

among other places
