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Topic: Long measures (Read 3233 times) previous topic - next topic

Long measures

When dealing with a lot of 64th, usually the measures tend to become quite long.

NWC is Procustean: it simply truncates them!

You must be very careful for, sometimes, even passing to the landscape paper orientation is not enough.
The risk is to be forced to print in a very small size, difficult to read.

The solution is to insert by hand some bar lines hidden and bar-count excluded.
But that's very tedious!

The same comes with (long) text.
It would be a good idea to add some form of automatic wrapping.

Re: Long measures

Reply #1
I would simply use spacers to reduce the space between notes...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Long measures

Reply #2
In my case the measure is by far too long to resort to that trick.
A measure is easily two rows long!

Re: Long measures

Reply #3
Would inserting an invisible, exclude from count bar line help?
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Since 1998

Re: Long measures

Reply #4
As I wrote:
The solution is to insert by hand some bar lines hidden and bar-count excluded.

Yes, it works, but you must insert it by hand and must be done in all the staves.