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Topic: Excessive accidental distance (Read 2918 times) previous topic - next topic

Excessive accidental distance

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Why is the second flat so far on the left?

Re: Excessive accidental distance

Reply #1
I don't know why,
but this is a bug.

Re: Excessive accidental distance

Reply #2
More examples:
This doesn't affect me. When I see 2 voices, I use layers. It saves a lot of grief in later edits when I want to set the stem length in one voice without affecting the other.

Layering also gives more contol over playback. Some synth patches sound weird when 2 identical pitches are sounded at the same time and on the same channel.
Registered user since 1996


Re: Excessive accidental distance

Reply #3
Far away in the distance

Now I understand why the problem didn't seem new to me!
What a bad memory...