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Topic: Strange mark in score (Read 3365 times) previous topic - next topic

Strange mark in score

I'm copying a song from a music book into NWC, and I've run across a strange mark in the score. There's a mark that looks like a fat X beside one of the notes, in the same position where one would find naturals, sharps, and flats. The Time is 4/4 and the Key is 4 sharps.
Could someone tell me what this mark means?
Gordon Isbell

Re: Strange mark in score

Reply #1
That's probably a double sharp accidental. The button for it is next to the sharp accidental button in the tool bar.

Re: Strange mark in score

Reply #2
Definitely a double sharp.
One occasionally runs accross double flats, as well; they look like two flats one right after another.

Re: Strange mark in score

Reply #3
Thanks, folks. I should have been able to figure that out, since the button is right next to the sharp button. But, it looked so strange and I had never seen it in a score before.
Thanks again.


Re: Strange mark in score

Reply #4
It's not the thing that you usually see. It's usually only used when the key you are in contains flats, and you want to flatten a note which is already flat because of the key signature.