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Topic: choral parts in one stave (Read 4471 times) previous topic - next topic

choral parts in one stave

I don't want to create chords, but I do want to split parts for one group of voices on the one staff (ie first and second sops, or tenors, etc.

This means I would like to end up with two sets of notes on the one staff: one with stems up and the other with stems down. It seems the only way to link more than one note vertically is by a chord member command. But this is not wot i want. Help.

Re: choral parts in one stave

Reply #1
If I understand correctly, you don't want to use two-note chords (one stem up, one stem down) on a single staff because the two voices have to be on separate midi channels. If so, a workaround would be the staff layering feature. If you don't have this enabled already (it's still in the experimental stages) you can download the patch to enable this from the NoteWorthy web site.

If you don't care that both notes are voiced by the same midi channel, the usual two-note chord approach should work fine.

Re: choral parts in one stave

Reply #2
Just to add to Fred's reply, Alan, I get the feeling that you are more interested in the appearance of the score than the MIDI split. You CAN use the chording feature for one note tail up and one down, with certain limitations. The notes can be the same, but cannot overhang i.e. the note with the upward pointing stem must be above the downward one. Sometimes you will have to split a note into two tied notes to obtain the correct timing. Nevertheless, most of the time it works. The trick is to ensure that the tail up/down button is active for the appropriate note - if you leave it all to NWC it will set a common tail for the chord depending on its position on the stave. I generally do the top line first with all tails set up, then click the 'down' button and add the second line. Hope this works for you.


Re: choral parts in one stave

Reply #3
Fred and Peter:

You confuse me with midi channels - my use is more to transcribe hand written choral parts....

SATB (Soprano, Tenor, Alto, Bass) scores often split into first and second tenors, for example. They are shown as stems up and stems down, but on the same stave.

Does your solution cover me when they share a note and cross over? (ie the top like (stems up) goes below the bottom line (stems down) keeping the stems constant so part 1 knows where to go?

I will give it a go, and report back....

My task also includes sections where the two parts have different rhythms (lower may have a crotchet and upper a dotted quaver beamemed to a semiquaver.

Re: choral parts in one stave

Reply #4
Alan, you said <Does your solution cover me when they share a note and cross over?> I'm afraid not (this is what I meant by overhang). Sharing a note is OK, but not crossing over. As I also mentioned, occasionally you may have timing problems. Your best solution is to go the layered staves route as Fred suggests. You'll find this feature in the Tips page. Best of luck, Peter.

Re: choral parts in one stave

Reply #5
I've just tried the Crotchet with dotted quaver beamed to semiquaver query. Works OK using normal chording. But you've still got the problem of crossover. Cheers, Peter.


Re: choral parts in one stave

Reply #6
cooking with gas* - thanks muchly to fred and peter....fortunately no crossovers, but there have been some rhythm tensions thant have been a nuisance....but then who needs it all?


*Melbourne now has gas again - how taken for granted it was until taken away