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Topic: layout of notes (Read 3175 times) previous topic - next topic

layout of notes

On staff 1 I have 2 quarter notes which I stemmed up. On staff 2 I have 1 half note which I stemmed down.
When I select to staff 1 layer with staff 2 I can't see the correct duration. Other music paper will print the quarter note next to the half note.
Can I do the same in NWC?
(I am sorry that my English is not very good).

Re: layout of notes

Reply #1
G'day Guido,
Welcome to the forum.

I assume that the first quarter on staff 1 and the half on staff 2 are the same pitch.  So, if you select the half note on staff 2, press <Alt+Enter> to get the properties dialogue and adjust the "Extra Note Spacing" - this will move the note to the right - select a value that get's the result you want.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: layout of notes

Reply #2
Thanks! That works well!
In my music book some notes are shown as:
Code: [Select · Download]
The upper note and the lower note are stemmed down. The note in the middle is neither an upper note nor a lower note. How do I set up this in NWC?

Re: layout of notes

Reply #3
Something like this perhaps:
Code: [Select · Download]
It's a shifted backslash (logical OR) inserted as text on top of the note.
Since 1998


Re: layout of notes

Reply #4
G'day Guido,
happy to help.
Thanks! That works well!
In my music book some notes are shown as:
Code: [Select · Download]
The upper note and the lower note are stemmed down. The note in the middle is neither an upper note nor a lower note. How do I set up this in NWC?

I'm not certain I understand what you mean, but it sounds like another job for layering.  Perhaps you could be a little more specific?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.