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Topic: Little question to the Forum: (Read 5581 times) previous topic - next topic

Little question to the Forum:

Hello Forum.

I only want to know if it's possible to run Noteworthy
under a 368 DX 40.

Thanks for answering.

Re: Little question to the Forum:

Reply #1
I'm running it on a 486SLC66 (essentially the same as 486SX66) and it runs just fine. Haven't run into any undue speed problems.

Your 386DX40 is only marginally slower, so you should have no trouble. You can't hurt anything by trying it, NWC is an exceptionally stable and forgiving program. (After all, that's what "try before you buy" is all about!)

regards, Fred

Re: Little question to the Forum:

Reply #2
Fred's right. It may run a little slower, but if your 386 can handle normal midi files, it should be able to handle NWC no problemo.
All the better if you are running Win 3.1 !


Re: Little question to the Forum:

Reply #3
I run NWC on a 386sx25 under Win 3.1 and it works fine.

Yeah, I know it's an obsolete machine but it still works.
And I have an upgrade planned..... real soon now.

Re: Little question to the Forum:

Reply #4
By "upgrade", I bet your 386 will be _replaced_, ain't it ?
About the initial question, it should work fine. Hope you got Win3.1 and 4Mb. (It could run with 2 though, I think)
If you got the non-color screen (probably), you can customize the color used in NWC to change them into different grey shades if necessary (though the gr.card should do it itself)


Re: Little question to the Forum:

Reply #5
FYI: It is doubtful that NWC will run in 2 MB of space, even on Windows 3.1. It never hurts to try, but I suspect that you would get less than adequate results, even if you are not running any other background tasks.


Re: Little question to the Forum:

Reply #6
I occaisionally use NWC on a 386 with 4 meg, but even that is a right pain in the ummm..well you know. I suppose it just comes down to the obvious...the more powerful, the better.