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Topic: Two questions (Read 10130 times) previous topic - next topic

Two questions

When a piece begins with a pickup, bar one is usually considered to be the following (full) bar.  But NWC counts the incomplete bar with the pickup as bar one.  Is there a way to adjust this?

And second, is there any way to extend the title field to have a second line for a dedication or subtitle?

Many thanks,

Re: Two questions

Reply #1
Set File->Page Setup...->Options->Measure Start: to zero.  If you are going to use Audit Barlines, it is best to put invisible rests in measure 0 to make it a complete measure or put invisible Time signatures in.

The title field cannot be extended. You can hang Text on one of the upper staves to simulate a subtitle. The difficulty is keeping it centered on the page.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Two questions

Reply #2
As for the first question, go to
 Page Setup...
  Options tab
   Measure start (at the very bottom of the dialog)
set it to 0
As for the second question, there was a thread about this, but I can't search for it right now.
Hafta get my kid to a gig...

Re: Two questions

Reply #3
If you are using NWC2, you can also select the pickup bar line and use Edit->Properties to enable the "Exclude from Bar Count" option.

Re: Two questions

Reply #4
Thanks very much,

Re: Two questions

Reply #5
You can use a minus number for a pick-up or an intro.  Don't hit the ok button.

Re: Two questions

Reply #7
Good discovery. Too bad it won't work in NWC2

Seems to for me - hit "preview" before you hit "close"...  Dunno if it will save...

Just checked - it saves!  This is a good one!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Two questions

Reply #9

It definitely works in my copy of NWC2...  See attached... (a shortened extract of a piece I've been using to practice from)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Two questions

Reply #10
It definitely works in my copy of NWC2
Oh, that "preview"
I was clicking on the Preview tab rather than the Preview... button .
mea culpa

My bet is that this will be 'fixed' in the next update.
If you try this technique for Page Numbering it will cause the page numbers not to display.
Flaky. The Preview... button shouldn't bypass routines like that.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Two questions

Reply #11
Oh, that "preview"
I was clicking on the Preview tab rather than the Preview... button .
mea culpa

Ya get that :)

My bet is that this will be 'fixed' in the next update.

No bet - BTW, if you go back into |Page|Setup| it reverts it to "0"...

If you try this technique for Page Numbering it will cause the page numbers not to display.
Flaky. The Preview... button shouldn't bypass routines like that.

True, though it does suggest that a simple programatic change would allow negative bar numbers.  Thus it becomes a policy decision...

In reality, in NWC 2 there is a very easy workaround for bar numbering - start from "0" and then set however many barlines you need to be effectively less than "0" to be un-numbered...

As for page numbers, I personally don't see any advantage for negative ones, though that doesn't mean there isn't one.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Two questions

Reply #12
Not working for me.
Message says "Number is out of range" or something like that, no matter how I try to close the window.

Re: Two questions

Reply #13
G'day Kevin,
try these steps:
  • Click Page Setup button
  • Type -2 or something like that into the "Measure Start" box
  • Click the "Preview" button
  • Close the preview
  • Click the "Close" button - NOT the "OK" button

Problem is, next time you go into page setup it will revert to zero...

This probably will/should be fixed - the real advantage that could have been gained from negative bar numbers is largely negated by the "don't count me" parameter now available for bar lines.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Two questions

Reply #14
  • Click the "Preview" button
Ummm...  I don't see a "Preview" button.


Re: Two questions

Reply #16
That explains it.
Now that my system has crashed, I will need to reload NWC, so I'll probably get the CD this time, which will then allow me to get v2...
[typos fixed...]