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Topic: Playing tied notes together (Read 7203 times) previous topic - next topic

Playing tied notes together

Hi there folks. I am new to the community, or fairly new, but have been using NoteWorthy for some years.When it comes to notation my major problem has been:

When I write say a quarter which is tied together with another quarter for example in the next bar, Noteworty plays to seperate notes.

I want to use the program for producing MIDI-files for choir-practice, and this problem, which I'm sure other people has encountered as well, makes this difficult. As always everything is getting better in the next release, but if I don't want to wait: does any of you know of some kind of notation method, or even a plugin og addon to 1.75b that will correct this?

best regards

Re: Playing tied notes together

Reply #1
The tied feature works for me though.  You may be confusing slurs and ties.  The slur icon has a curving arrow under a note while the tie icon is a note with a "slur" that goes straight out to the right.  You will need to click on the tie icon (or the "/" shortcut key) before entering each note in a chord to be tied.

Since 1998

Thanks to warren!

Reply #2
Great. It proved you were right, I was confusing the slures and the ties!

Re: Thanks to warren!

Reply #3
[glow=red,2,300]Aw shucks! <blush>[/glow]

You're welcome.
Since 1998

Re: Playing tied notes together

Reply #4
Don't forget to slur your shoelaces.

Re: Playing tied notes together

Reply #5
I'm sure that's a hilarious joke in Dutch - but I don't get it!

Re: Playing tied notes together

Reply #6
Hmm, I usually tie my shoelaces, I must experiment with slurring them... :)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Playing tied notes together

Reply #7
Thank you Lawrie. This saves me an embarrassing moment of 'explaining the joke'.

Re: Playing tied notes together

Reply #8
OK, so I get the [glow=red,2,300]embarassment[/glow] instead.

Senile dementia at 44 is no joke!

Re: Playing tied notes together

Reply #10
The tied feature works for me though.  You may be confusing slurs and ties.  The slur icon has a curving arrow under a note while the tie icon is a note with a "slur" that goes straight out to the right.  You will need to click on the tie icon (or the "/" shortcut key) before entering each note in a chord to be tied.


Warren, In music theory, I drew my ties coming straight out of the note, like you explained. My theory teacher told me that ties don't touch the note. Cleric, the way to tell the difference, is that ties are with note the same pitch while slurs have different pitches.


Re: Playing tied notes together

Reply #11
In music theory, I drew my ties coming straight out of the note, like you explained. My theory teacher told me that ties don't touch the note. Cleric, the way to tell the difference, is that ties are with note the same pitch while slurs have different pitches.
I was describing what the icons looked like in my original post.  FWIW, slured notes may have the same pitch.
Since 1998