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Topic: Another question on layering (Read 2289 times) previous topic - next topic

Another question on layering

I'm trying to enter a half note under a dotted quarter and eight. It just beeps at me, though I have layering turned on. What am I missing/

Re: Another question on layering

Reply #1
Don't confuse layering with chording.  Layering lets you two staffs to create your music, and then superimpose one over the other as if they were one.  That lets you sort of "break the rules" for what you can do on a single staff.  Chording lets you enter more than one note on the same beat.

If you are just trying to get a half note over a dotted quarter and eighth on the same staff, then what you need to do is make sure that the stems of the notes are pointed in opposite directions.  There is a button on the toolbar for stem-up and stem-down.  Let's say you want the half note on top (let's say it's an A), with an F dotted quarter chorded with it right below, and then an eighth note on the E right below the F.  Just click on stem up, make sure the current selection is a half note, and enter the A.  Then click on stem-down, make the current selection a dotted quarter, then CTRL-Enter on the F. Then keep the stem down and Enter the E next to the F.

Hope that made sense.

-- John


Re: Another question on layering

Reply #2
It sounds like your are using the Insert, Chord Member function, which would not be related to layering. With Insert, Chord Member, you just need to make sure that you either have no stem direction set for the notes that you are placing, or that you have opposing stem directions for the notes if they have two differing durations.

If you are using layering, then opposing voices are added in separate staves, and you should not experience any limitations on entry.

See also:

Chord Member Command

FAQ - How are 2 voices notated on a single staff?