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Topic: Feature request: Reversing stem direction on beams (Read 6039 times) previous topic - next topic

Feature request: Reversing stem direction on beams

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In the first bar of this sample [the beam would look a lot better if the stems of the last three notes pointed down, but the stems of the first five notes pointed up. Whilst not necessary, it's aesthetically pleasing, and very common in scores.

Re: Feature request: Reversing stem direction on beams

Reply #1
I'm not sure it would look better as you suggest.  If the 6th note was stem down, the stem length would be very short, with the notehead sitting almost on the beam.

Re: Feature request: Reversing stem direction on beams

Reply #2
Perhaps not the best example - I did throw it together in a few moments, after all - but, anyway, that sort of thing is a common practice in  older scores. Of course, it might be difficult to work out the practicalities.


Re: Feature request: Reversing stem direction on beams

Reply #3
Try this, Adam.  It's not perfect, but you might be able to improve it a bit by playing with stem lengths and muted note positions.

Using 2 layered staffs, in the top staff, modify your example like this:
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In the bottom staff, do this:
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