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Topic: Unable to download NWC sample scores (Read 7951 times) previous topic - next topic

Unable to download NWC sample scores


When I downloaded the NWC evaluation version I had no trouble downloading NWC scores.

Now I have purchased and installed the software from the NWC CD I can't download even the samples on the NWC site.

I'm using Explorer 5.5 - but if this is the problem why did it not occur with the downloaded evaluation version?

I have uninstalled and re-installed the programs to no avail.



Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #1
Check to see if the samples are already in your NWC folder.  Uninstalling the program won't have affected them, I suspect.

If that's no go, we probably need to know exactly what happens when you find you can't download.  What is the error message or what does the computer do when the problem occurs?

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #2
You can look at the shortcut, or at the menu. How do you start Noteworthy? Does the link start
c:\Program Files\Noteworthy Composer\nwc32.exe?
If so, your sample files are found on
c:\Program Files\Noteworthy Composer\Samples.
If you installed to another drive, or another directory, follow the link to the .exe, and that's where your samples are.

But seriously, if you did not change the standard settings yet, File/Open will show this folder, directing you to the Samples folder without even having to think about it! Did you change the path(s)?

Lastly: find Caverns.nwc using the Explorer, or even using a DOS screen:
cd \
dir caverns.nwc /s /b
Nice puzzle for the early hour.

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #3
What I get is a NWC page with a blank rectangle and a message which says that if you are having trouble viewing the scores you need the plug-in.  Try adding the plug-in and it tells me (correctly) I already have it.

Last might I tried accessing the NWC site through Netscape which I also have installed.  Clicking on one of the sample files then resulted in a dialogue box which asked what I wanted to do with this file - one option of which was "Open with Noteworthy Composer".  This worked perfectly well.

This morning Explorer still does not provide access to the file and now Netscape gives me a similar blank page except this time it has a symbol in the middle inviting me to access the plug-in.

So the situation has deteriorated.

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #4
G'day Bob,
actually guys, this sounds more like a mime type issue in IE.

Bob was talking about downloading from the NWC site.

Somewhere there is discussion regarding this problem that sometimes crops up.

If you're running XP, open a folder in Windows explorer, goto |Tools | Folder Options | "File Types" tab, scroll to NWC and highlight (click) and look at the details pane.  It should say "Opens with Noteworthy Composer..."

If you click the advanced button you can check the actions and set the default, but before you do, keep reading...

IIRC the easiest answer is to simply install the viewer - - This has the double advantage of allowing you to open NWC1 files in the NWC editor and to play NWC2 files in the viewer Provided you have Automatic Launch into NWC enabled.

It is also dependant on the web site sending the correct mime type in the first place!

See, especially

Can't hurt to give it a go!

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #5
Bob, it seems that I gave the right answer to the wrong question. By this time, I suspect that you have trouble with a video driver. It has happened to quite a few of us.
Installing Noteworthy should be simple. Missing information on the screen is (nearly) always driver-related.
That does not answer the next question: why did the demo run, and why does the official version not run, now? Has anything happened in between, to hardware or setup?

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #6
Hey Bob, you posted while I was still writing... :)

You must have IE6 - the plug-in got broken by IE6 and NWC's response was to create the viewer which shouldn't be able to be broken as easily.  This problem was not specific to the NWC plug-in - all the 16 bit, Mozilla (read Netscape et al) compatible plug-ins got broken by this move.

Install the viewer and it will fix it.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #7
Actually, now I think of it, it wasn't IE6 itself but a security update...  Sorry for misleading you...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #8
Speaking of security issues: I have sent tons of rehearsal material to choir members. Some of them can no longer enjoy the attachments: one or more virus checkers have decided that the extension .nwc is no longer safe!
I get around this in two ways:
1. I post material on my website;
2. I embed .nwc files in Word-documents. Simply drag them into a Word document from a browser... it works!
There is, of course, but what has happened? What caused Noteworthy-files to be marked as unsafe ?!?

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #9
If recipients are using OE 6 for mail, there is a box in Tools / Options /Security which, if ticked will stop nwc files. Tell them to untick it.


Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #10
Thanks Tina!
In return, can I do any Dvorák checking for you? (But hold back on the moving clefs a bit.)

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #11
Glutton for punishmant aren't you <g>
I'm only about half way through yet. It's a toughy this one.


Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #12
Rob, the easiest way to cheat virus checkers is re-name the .nwc files to say .anwc then nothing bothers them and at the other end all they have to do is re-name back to .nwc

Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #13
Did I not ask you to hold back on the moving clefs? <g>

llucyy, you are right... This is what I thought: Many virus checkers that check for .zip files are not fooled by renaming them to .txt or .azip or anything... they inspect the first bytes, and these act as a signal, and a warning flag. Noteworthy files will not carry the 'bad' signature (harmful files with the same extension must exist) so it should always work. Agreed.


Re: Unable to download NWC sample scores

Reply #14
Did I not ask you to hold back on the moving clefs? <g>

You can't hold me back when I'm on a roll ;-)
