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Topic: feature request: multi-line information fields (Read 4255 times) previous topic - next topic

feature request: multi-line information fields

Why can't the Title, Author, Lyricist, and Copyright fields have multiple lines? If you want to type multiple lines, which is common, you'll need to fiddle with text expressions. By the way, there should be only one Copyright field that supports multiple lines. Having two Copyright fields that only supports one line isn't very useful.

Re: feature request: multi-line information fields

Reply #1

Re: feature request: multi-line information fields

Reply #2
user111 makes a reasonable request.  As I have said before, I think there needs to be more room in the copyright field at least.

Re: feature request: multi-line information fields

Reply #3
The request is reasonable, and has been asked before.

NWC is very good with its printouts, even if it does not have every feature one might wish. Having multi-line copyright info might possibly upset the page layout in some obscure manner that is not as easy to solve as it is to envision.

If you "gotta have it now," you can add extra lines by placing text in the topmost staff, then raising its location. If you want to reserve space on the first page for that purpose, a sneaky trick is to use a large-size font for the title or composer line, but place the invisible non-breaking space instead of the real info.

Re: feature request: multi-line information fields

Reply #4
User111 makes a *very* reasonable request... This has always been a bit of a shortfall for my needs.

Re: feature request: multi-line information fields

Reply #5
O yes, no doubt. But starting with 'Why can't' and such is NOT polite. As has been pointed out before. And the Noteworthy staff are renowned for ignoring such questions - as they have a right to be.

Re: feature request: multi-line information fields

Reply #6
It is very difficult to tell whether or not user111 is being impolite or whiny or not UNLESS you can HEAR what is being said.  English is an imprecise language, and the way that the same thing is said can give different meanings.  If user111 should want to avoid this, user111 should reflect upon the fact that spoken English is often a different language than written English.  Many of us like to write the way we speak.  That's often very effective, but often not too precise, as we don't have the tone of our voices available to help meaning.  In any event, I would urge one and all to, at all times, put the best construction on what we read here (and elsewhere), unless we learn otherwise.  As I said, I can vocalise what user111 said and hear it in a very positive way, articulating a thoughtful point.  Or, I could revoice it and it would sound whiny and less than polite. Glad to talk  about this outside the forum, if you'd like.

Re: feature request: multi-line information fields

Reply #7
Robin makes a good point.

It is very easy to offend or hurt people with email or messages in a forum just because the wording is poor.


"Why can't... "  or  "Why doesn't..."

could be replace with

"I notice NWC doesn't..." or "It would be nice if..."  or even "I wonder why ..."


Re: feature request: multi-line information fields

Reply #8
How to get a pastry at a bakery in Cologne, Germany:

"Gruess Gott, (then say: I would like this, in German), bitte."

How NOT to get a pastry:

Verstehen Sie! (then say: I want this, in German).

Actual experience. I (#1) got my pastry, and a tourist from someplace such as Korea (#2), using his poorly-written book of handy phrases, did not get his.