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Topic: Could somebody help me to notate from an audio file? (Read 4622 times) previous topic - next topic

Could somebody help me to notate from an audio file?

I want to be able to play an old radio tune, which was played on a piano, but I am not so good in notating the melody while listening to it.
It's only a short melody, so there might be somebody out there who like to make the notation.

The tune can be heard here:

By the way: it was the 'morning gymnastics' on the Dutch radio about 30 or 40 years ago.

Re: Could somebody help me to notate from an audio file?

Reply #1
Ab Goubits and Arie Snoek - or Jacques Schutte?
Remember that Jack Schutte changed the end bit.

I know the tune, but I am not sure I could do the notation of the whole bit. Not now, anyway - does "awfully busy" sound like a good excuse?


Re: Could somebody help me to notate from an audio file?

Reply #2
Janjoker, give it a try yourself.  If you have an instrument near your compuer, start by capturing the recording onto your hard drive in some sound format such as .wav.  Then download the trial verson of Amazing Slow Downer from[/url].  If you use a Mac, there's a version for it too, just search the site.

It allows you to play the music very slowly without altering the pitch, or to loop bits of it so that you have time to hear the pitch and write it down. 

While playing back a few notes on AS, you should be able to find them on your piano.

Re: Could somebody help me to notate from an audio file?

Reply #3
Here's a "quick and dirty" version - probably the right chords but probably not the right voicing. Nice diversion from correcting quartet parts.



Re: Could somebody help me to notate from an audio file?

Reply #4
Hey, this is great !!

I can finetune this myself, but I could never have done this myself. This is a great starting point.
Thank you!


Re: Could somebody help me to notate from an audio file?

Reply #5
No problem.....
