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Topic: Bar lines, different types (Read 2158 times) previous topic - next topic

Bar lines, different types

Who can please tell me the meaning and function of all kinds of bar lines? Most importantly: what is the difference between Local repeat open and Master repeat open? Please advise...

Re: Bar lines, different types

Reply #1
This is from the Help (F1) feature, dealing with stylized bar lines.  Note the local repeat is strictly an NWC feature, the concept doesn't exist beyond the notation software field - in other words, the real music world.

Local Repeat Open/Close: A special form of sectional repeat symbols. These allow a section to be repeated for a specified number of iterations without specifying special endings for each iteration. These loops can be nested inside a master loop which contains special endings. Special endings do not apply to local repeats. Attempts to combine local repeats and special endings will yield unpredictable results. Unlike master repeats, local repeat loops are performed even after a D.S. or D.C. flow direction has been executed.

Master Repeat Open/Close: Sectional repeat symbols for repeating a section. Each repeat should specify a special ending prior to the closing repeat symbol (see Special Ending Command). The closing repeat mark is ignored after a D.S. or D.C. flow redirection has been initiated.


Re: Bar lines, different types

Reply #2
Thanks, that explains a thing or two. The bit that the local repeat is a Noteworthy construct helps me to complete the picture.