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Topic: Recording a CD (Read 2233 times) previous topic - next topic

Recording a CD

Is it possible to record to a CD music that I have composed on Noteworthy Composer? If so how is it done or do I need something totally different to do this?


Re: Recording a CD

Reply #2
All that you need is a Recorder and a burning softwares.
For my own, I'm using Musicmatch Jukebox (but you can use the free Musicmatch Basic and your burner.).
1. Open Musicmatch end Noteworthy and arrange the two windows on your screen.
2. Open Musicmatch Recorder.
3. Set Musicmatch Recorder's parameters (folder, type (Wav, MP3, MP3Pro, ...)).
4. Set the recording entry to System Mixer.
5. Enter the track name and start recording,
6. Quickly start playing your music in Noteworthy.
7. Stop recording at the end of the music.

You then have your file in whatever format you've chosen.
Burn your CD.
