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Topic: Problem with rest in a Chord (Read 2205 times) previous topic - next topic

Problem with rest in a Chord

I'd like to put this measure on a piano staff :
Left Hand : quarter Rest, eighth G G
Right Hand : dotted quarter C/E, eighth C C D

I cannot write the Rest. Can somebody be helpful ?




Re: Problem with rest in a Chord

Reply #1
Set stem-down (Shift-down arrow). The "stem down" button in the toolbar should light up. Set 1/4 duration (3). Press Space bar (this enters the rest.)

Set Stem-up (Shift-up arrow). The "stem up" button should light up. Set dotted 1/4 duration (3, then .) Place the cursor on the line corresponding to "C". Press CNTL-Enter. This enters the first note. Move the cursor up to the E. Set dotted duration (.) and press CNTL-Enter. This enters the second note.

Now, there's a problem. The durations you described don't add up to the same total time. Left hand has two beats (1/4's), whereas right hand has three beats. This has to be resolved.