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Topic: D.S. al Coda gets lost (Read 3349 times) previous topic - next topic

D.S. al Coda gets lost

I have a problem with the D.S. al Coda not flowing correctly.
When I hit the D.S. al Coda sign it goes back to the segna
(which is good), plays to the measure before the first
ending following it and then jumps to the next measure which
is proceeded by a double bar line (instead of to the Coda).
If I remove all double bar lines it simply stops playing
at that measure before the first ending.

I have scored a piece of music in which I have have several
key changes. I use the double bar lines to signify a key

I can send the music file if it helps but in summary it is
constructed as follows:

- Measure 1: Master Repeat Open
- Measure 4: First Ending and Master Repeat Close
- Measure 5: Second Ending
- Measure 8: Master Repeat Open and "Segna" sign
- Measure 15: First Ending and Master Repeat Close
- Measure 16: Second Ending
- Measure 20: "To Coda"
- Measure 23: First Double Bar Line after the "segna" sign
- Measure 74: "D.S. al Coda"
- Measure 75: "Coda"
- Measure 85: The End

When it hits D.S. al Coda at Measure 74 it goes back to
Measure 8, plays to measure 14 then jumps to measure 23
and plays through to the end. If I remove all double bar
lines it stops at measure 14.

Re: D.S. al Coda gets lost

Reply #1
My first guess is that master repeats are ignored after a DS or DC flow control and the To Coda is within a 2nd ending of a master repeat.
Local repeats are performed in these circumstances and may offer another solution.
There is an option for a default DS/DC ending after playing through the section from the Segno sign but this is the only ending that will be performed.
Try adding the default DS/DC ending to the 2nd ending at bar 16.
This may perform the To Coda successfully but you still wont get a repeat of the section from bar 8 to 15 unless you reorganize your score to use a local repeat instead.
Hope this helps!
With a bit of luck someone who has had the same problem may reply.
Try also the help screen or Email NoteWorthy Support.


Re: D.S. al Coda gets lost

Reply #2
I think that Barry's suggestion should solve your problem. For reference, this is discussed in the help section for the special endings, which is excerpted below:

>>>> Excerpt from NWC Help File >>>>
This command is used to designate that the current measure should be played during specific iterations of a master repeat loop. Up to seven standard iterations are possible. These are labeled 1st Ending through 7th Ending in the Repeat Loop Ending Specification dialog. The last ending, Default D.S./D.C. Ending, is used after a Da capo or Dal Segno instruction (flow redirection) has been performed. The last primary ending and the default ending are usually followed by a Section Close bar line to designate the end of the master repeat section.

The special ending containing the first ending must always appear before any other special ending, and must be concluded using a Master Repeat Close bar line. The special ending may be longer than one measure, but only the first measure will contain a printed marker line on top of it. In addition, the first special ending marker must only appear once before the Master Repeat Close is encountered. If more than one first special ending is defined in a single repeat loop, you may get unexpected results.