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Topic: staff layering (Read 3768 times) previous topic - next topic

staff layering

Hi folks,

I'm entering a piano reduction for a choral work.

In the user tip on typing divisi notes, an ed. note refers to staff layering as a way to merge multiple staffs into a single staff.  It says this is done at printing, but I can't find anything like it in the drop-down boxes.

Can anyone tell me how to access this feature?


Re: staff layering

Reply #2
Thanks much for the assistance.  It has been very helpful.



Re: staff layering

Reply #3
Hey Ross, I see you've already been answered on the question of staff layering.  However, this is not limited to printing only.

Select:  [File]-[Page Setup]
then the [Contents] tab - select [Layering]

Now, for each staff you want layered w/the staff below, select that staff and [F2] to edit staff properties.  Select the "Visual" tab and select [layering]