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Topic: tranferring cassette music to a cd format (Read 8485 times) previous topic - next topic

tranferring cassette music to a cd format

I'm trying to copy music from a cassette to cd format with Roxio can it be possible and it would play in a car system.

Re: tranferring cassette music to a cd format

Reply #1
G'day Rich,
this isn't actually hard, just takes a few steps...

  • Connect your cassette player line-out to the line-in of your sound card.
  • Use a "recorder" application to record from the "line-in" of your sound card to .wav format.  Windows recorder is not useful for this without some fiddling... IF you have a creative sound card you should have a suitable product in "Creative Wave Studio".  There are also several free products you can download like "Audacity" which will let you export in .wav format.
  • Having saved your .wav file, you can now launch you burner product (Roxio).
  • You now need to start a project that will create an audio CD.  While some very recent car CD players can now recognise MP3 and other formats, only the original audio format is guaranteed to work in all players, with the exception that some older CD players (domestic as well as car) do not read burnt CDs.
  • Select you new .wav file(s) for burning and burn away...
You should now have what you're after.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: tranferring cassette music to a cd format

Reply #2
Further to Lawrie's comment about older CD players, the one in my old car (which was only 4 years old) would play CD-R, but not CD-RW. The new one will play both.

Re: tranferring cassette music to a cd format

Reply #3
If you want to have multiple tracks on the CD (to make it easy to jump from track to track) then record a wave file for each section that you want to be a track. Now burn all these wave files to the audio CD.
