Importing Long Rests 1997-09-01 04:00 am I recently imported from MIDI format a song that uses time signatures such as 5/2, 6/2, 7/2, and 8/2. Whole measure rests in the 7/2 and 8/2 measures were misinterpreted. I found that the 7/2 rest was interpreted as a whole rest followed by a half rest (as though it were a 3/2 measure); 8/2 as two whole rests; and, through experimentation, 9/2 and 10/2 as whole rest followed by dotted whole rest. Is there a fix for this other than manually changing the rests to single whole measure rests, or using smaller time signatures? Thanks, Tim Reichard Quote Selected
Re: Importing Long Rests Reply #1 – 1997-09-01 04:00 am Since I don't work for NoteWorthy, I can't say what will be fixed and what won't, but you can make these suggestions on the wish list page located at /composer/wishlist.htm Joe Quote Selected