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Topic: Opinions on best General MIDI Soundfont? (Read 2821 times) previous topic - next topic

Opinions on best General MIDI Soundfont?


I was wondering what people feel is the best General MIDI
Soundfont to download from the HammerSound Site and others.
Since the 'better' ones tend to be very large, I want to
avoid downloading all of them and trying them out for
myself. (Since I only have a dial-up connection, this would
take a very long time). The GeneralUser SF was mentioned
in this forum and I agree that it is pretty good.
But I would like something with the 'best' solo
orchestral instruments. I am using the Audio Compositor program (together with NoteWorthy Composer)
with 192 MB of RAM. Thank you for your help and
your opinions.


Re: Opinions on best General MIDI Soundfont?

Reply #1
General User GS 1.3 by Christian Collins (about 25 MB) is the best complete set, especially for his wonderful solo strings, piano, winds and others. (There are very few patches that I think should be revisited.)

You can get it free from Christian's websit at:

In addition, I use AWE Organ and JEUX for organ sounds. (Actually I haven't used them yet but they remain loaded so that I can play the files sequenced regarding them correctly.) You can get them free from the NWC Scriptorium helpful files section.


Decode address to send mail.


Re: Opinions on best General MIDI Soundfont?

Reply #2
The world best General MIDI soundfont is GenieVoice GM64 Pro. This product beats everything of that class on the market. Feels like a live music. You can check it at