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Topic: Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets (Read 4224 times) previous topic - next topic

Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets

Is there a way to add harmonic notes to triplets w/o removing the triplet, adding the notes and making the group a triplet again? I can't seem to find a way regardles of stem position.

Re: Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets

Reply #1
No, sorry. I've run into this situation also. It would be nice if NWC automagically set the triplet attribute when chording to a tripletted note, but there may be technical issues with this that I can't appreciate.

Might be a candidate for the Wish List.

Re: Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets

Reply #2
We will review this behaviour...

Re: Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets

Reply #3
Upon review, it is clear that NWC should allow you to add chord members to a triplet note when you have selected the same stem direction as the note in the triplet, and the duration is otherwise identical. This new behavior will exist as of the next NWC 1.75 update.

Re: Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets

Reply #4
Wow, Tim (and everyone else), how's that for service? :)

Re: Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets

Reply #5
I am indeed impressed! This had long been one of my pet irritations, and I had learned to live with it; with a (promise of) a fix this quickly, I wish I'd had the gumption to bring it to the forum myself earlier. Now all we need is for NWC to recognise and correctly score triplets from midi imports..... (?please??)

Re: Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets

Reply #6
Oh yes, me too pretty please!  Not being able to read triplets from MIDI is far and away my biggest complaint about NWC.



Re: Adding Harmonic Notes to Triplets

Reply #7
About triplet import, do not forget to have a look at the Macros section. Andrew did a good thing about it!
AFAIK, there is no "triplet" marking in the MIDI norm, but I'm sure that Fred or others could give us more information on this.