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Topic: layering multiple instruments (Read 2185 times) previous topic - next topic

layering multiple instruments

Can I layer multiple instruments with this software. By this I mean: my keyboard is olugged into my computer; can I play the piano part, then layer percussiojn onto that, and maybe more instruments onto those, and play it all back together?
Thank you.


Re: layering multiple instruments

Reply #1
"can I play the piano part",
Yes, NWC does live input, but it will take a little practice tweaking the import parameters to get it to interpret your performance as notation. Alternatively, you can do stepwise input from your keyboard.

"then layer percussiojn onto that,"
Easy peasy.

" and maybe more instruments onto those, and play it all back together?"
Absolutely. Check out the !link(Noteworthy Scriptorium= for lots of examples of stuff.
Especially the rock section.