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Topic: Octives and Chords (Read 3893 times) previous topic - next topic

Octives and Chords

I am working on a piece that has Guitar chords at the top. I would like to add Octives and chords in note form on the bass line. Where can I find a list of your Major and Minor chords.

For example: I know that a C chord is played (c e g) but when it comes to your Minor chords snf Minor 7th's even though I play the Piano I have forgotten a lot of my chords.



Re: Octives and Chords

Reply #1
You need a beginners book on Music Theory (and/or a few music lessons) if you want to know what chords are and how to build them starting from any note. Otherwise, your local music store would have a guitar book that is chock full o' chords, and you figure out what the notes are from the chord symbols. The first suggestion might be a little harder at first, but more rewarding in the long run. The piano is the perfect instrument to 'see' the logical patterns in chord structure.

Re: Octives and Chords

Reply #2
For example: C-E is a major third and C-G is a perfect 5th, which is what makes C E G a Major chord. C -Eb is a minor third, so C Eb G is a Minor chord. See...nothin' to it!

Re: Octives and Chords

Reply #3
Crash theory course:

Major scale is defined by the following "steps":


where W is whole tone (two semitones), H is half tone (semitone). So major scale of C is C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C, scale of A is A-B-C#,D,E,F#,G#,A, scale of Eb is Eb-F-G-Ab-Bb-C-D-Eb, and so on.

Chords are derived from the major scale. Major chord is 1, 3, 5 (for example: in key of C, major chord = C, E, G. In A, = A, C#, E. In Eb = Eb, G, Bb; etc.)

Chord Structure Example (in C)
major 1, 3, 5 C, E, G
minor 1, b3, 5 C, Eb, G
dom 7 1, 3, 5, b7 C, E, G, Bb
maj 7 1, 3, 5, 7 C, E, G, B
min 7 1, b3, 5, b7 C, Eb, G, Bb
dim 1, b3, b5 C, Eb, Gb
full dim 1, b3, b5, bb7 C, Eb, Gb, Bbb
half dim 1, b3, b5, b7 C, Eb, Gb, Bb
augmented 1, 3, #5 C, E, G#
sus 2 1, 2, 5 C, D, G
sus (sus4) 1, 4, 5 C, F, G

Re: Octives and Chords

Reply #4
Art, Thanks for your note...I'll have to look through my music books for these chords. I need to go back and do a little studing on my chords. I took Piano for about 5 years, surprising what you loose when you don't stick with it.
You must either know your music or have been working with NWC for quite a while.


Re: Octives and Chords

Reply #5
Thanks for the Crash theory course. I took Piano for 5 years surprising what you forget when you don't keep up with it.
YOu must either know your music or been working with NWC for quite a while.


Re: Octives and Chords

Reply #6
There are music theory courses on-line. Most are pitched (ouch!) towards beginners, but I have come across some with chord charts for piano or guitar. Use your search engine.

P.S. -- "Octaves."