several staves redirect 2003-03-18 02:09 am At my D.S. al Coda, 3 staves jump back to the 2nd ending of an earlier repeat, which is actually after the Segno; the rest of the instruments are quiet, though they have notes both immediately after the DS al Coda, at the Segno, and at the 2nd ending where the 3 go; but all it plays is those 3 staves. I have checked and double checked the placement of all of the flow markings, the barlines, repeats, endings, etc. and they appear to be identical on all lines. I saved and rebooted, still does it.What could be causing it? Quote Selected
Re: several staves redirect Reply #1 – 2003-03-18 02:35 am If I click after the D.s Al Coda, at the Coda, or the next measure after the Coda, it likewise plays those three lines from the 2nd ending. The Segno is at the same spot as the first ending, and the "to Coda" at the end of it. If I remove the DS from those 3 lines, playing before the DS simply shuts off all other instruments but those 3, and plays them through the coda.If I click on the 2nd ending, where the DS goes to, it plays normally with all tracks, then at the DS, does the exact same thing.From the beginning:musicbeginning repeat signmusicSegno & 1st ending, segno is firstmusic"to Coda", end repeat sign, then 2nd endingmusicD.S. al Coda & Codamusicon every staff. Most are hidden on all but top staff. Is this not correct, or is NWC not able to handle such tasks? Quote Selected
Re: several staves redirect Reply #2 – 2003-03-18 02:44 am Had to copy the Segno before the first ending, paste it immediately after the ending sign, then render it invisible and paste this onto every staff, then deleted the inneffective Segno from all but the top staff.If anyone else actually tries to use these features, there's my solution.Still no idea why only 3 lines were doing anything though. I tried pasting the top staff into a blank song, and it did the same thing; but it doesn't when the whole song is playing. Quote Selected