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Topic: Music Font (Read 4344 times) previous topic - next topic

Music Font

There has been continual discussion of music fonts and marks which prompts me to re-attempt another try at adding these to the 'Boxes' font previously posted in the newsgroup.
I have delayed this hoping Eric would say 'don't do it - help is on the way'!
Anyhow! - While I'm less than satisfied with the results so far and I find the text entry tedious perhaps it's time to re-think.
So - here's a list of marks I would use - perhaps you could suggest some more - there is a limit of 128 marks and I've used some already.
Short and Long Fall Offs.
Short and Long Lip Up.
Short and Long Gliss.
Short and Long Slide.
Attack accent ^.
plus the Multi-bar Rest markers, numbers and Section Flag Boxes already in the font.
That's basically it for the jazz and big-band stuff I do.

I find that spending time in entering text to enhance the parts is a great time absorber so I only do this to the lead parts.
Then I print a rough and ready score - NWC does produce an exquisite big band score in landscape mode on A4 paper - and manually copy the parts adding the marks to the other parts as I go.
I have to do this for the rhythm parts anyway - since there are no rhythm time indicators or drum note heads - and dont ask I'm not going to add them - the problem with empty bars full of text marks falling out of the right side of the screen still exists!!

So if you want your favourite mark added - post a reply - no promises and it's all subject to available time.


Re: Music Font

Reply #1
Hi Barry

I am interested in the Boxes font the you speak of. Where can I get a copy?? I particularly like the idea of inserting gliss. and also boxed letters or numbers for "bar flags"



Re: Music Font

Reply #2
By gliss, I hope you mean arpeggio several heights), though gliss markers would be cool, too.

I'd also like cross markers to put through notes to indicate tremolo. (Like singe slash and double slash).

Oh and a mordent, inverted mordent, a turn, vibrato/trill (several lengths) and cresc./decresc (several lengths)

Better stop there... !


Re: Music Font

Reply #3
I have been hoping for crescendo / decrescendo for a long time. If you do come up with a font, how can those of use who cannot access the newsgroup get it?


Re: Music Font

Reply #7
Thanks Praveen. btw - to make a link on this forum you don't have to use html tags. Just preface the URL with a bang (!).