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Topic: how do i get it to play swing (Read 3280 times) previous topic - next topic

how do i get it to play swing

i cant seem to figure out how to get noteworthy to play in "swing" mode, if you know what i mean. I know that i can just use a quarter note and eighth in a triplet, and have done that, but its so much easier if i could just assign swing in teh beginning, Can anyone help me?

Re: how do i get it to play swing

Reply #1
As far as I'm aware NWC just doesn't support this. Rhythmically, what you see is pretty much what you get. I know you aren't the only one who'd like to see this feature, though, so perhaps you should go to the wish list page on this site and add your voice to the clamor.

Re: how do i get it to play swing

Reply #2
There isn't a handy button or menu command to do this. The way you've been doing it gives a reasonable swing, (though for a real jazz swing feel you'll have to do tempo changes at each note).

If the triplet feel is okay with you as far as how the playback sounds, you can hide these rather messy-looking staves, and write additional (muted) staves in straight 1/8ths to make it easier to read.

An example is "Alleycat" available at

Re: how do i get it to play swing

Reply #3
A quick and dirty way to achieve a swing feel is to create a tempo track consisting of quaver note rests with alternating tempo markings (slow followed by fast) before every rest. e.g crotchet = 60, rest, crotchet = 120, rest etc. You will need to experiment with the relative speeds to get the overall speed and "swinginess" right and then just copy and paste or use repeats to get the correct number of bars.

I find this often gives a rather more flexible and satisfactory outcome than the triplet method. The down side is that some heavy duty arithmetic is needed if you want to do a rallentando or change to "straight eighths" at the same overall tempo.


Stephen Randall

Re: how do i get it to play swing

Reply #4
Check the User Tips section of our web site. The tip titled "How to Make NWC Play Jazz" shows a pretty good way to do this.


Re: how do i get it to play swing

Reply #5
Hi all,

I just submitted a continuation for the tip titled "How to Make NWC Play Jazz", which, IMHO, eases the arithmetic needed for computing the new tempo values.

This formula gives tempo values for feelings 3/4 + 1/4, or 2/3 + 1/3, or 5/8 + 3/8, or 3/5 + 2/5, ..., (n+1)/2n + (n-1)/2n with any value for n. The values are T1 = n/(n+1) * T and T2 = n/(n-1) * T (T is the original tempo).

n=2: T1 = 2/3 * T, T2 = 2 * T; feeling = 3/4 + 1/4.
n=3: T1 = 3/4 * T, T2 = 3/2 * T; feeling = 4/6 + 2/6 = 2/3 + 1/3.
n=4: T1 = 4/5 * T, T2 = 4/3 * T; feeling = 5/8 + 3/8.
n=5: T1 = 5/6 * T, T2 = 5/4 * T; feeling = 6/10 + 4/10 = 3/5 + 2/5.

If my hand made computations are OK, this gives for T=120:
n=2: T1=80 T2=240 feeling 3-1
n=3: T1=90 T2=180 feeling 2-1
n=4: T1=96 T2=160 feeling 5-3
n=5: T1=100 T2=150 feeling 3-2