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Topic: Importing/Splitting (Read 5267 times) previous topic - next topic



I was wonder'n 'bout when I imports a midi file, and I wants to split one track but not the others. Like, for example, I want 'de piano to be split at 18, but not any other instrument.
Get what I'm saying?

How do I makes it so one geets split, but the others don't?

Thanksyou man.


Re: Importing/Splitting

Reply #1
The last step in the import wizard allows you to edit the import instructions. This is how you override your earlier settings.

Re: Importing/Splitting

Reply #2
Can I have a split track feature for NoteWorthy please?
It'd be sure as turkey a good thing to have.
Like spleeting 'de violins into three tracks mebbe.

Re: Importing/Splitting

Reply #3
X, do you mean that you want 3-note chords to be automatically splitted into 3 different scores, or what ??
(Eric, that would be a great thing by the way... :-))

MAD (also, too)

Re: Importing/Splitting

Reply #4

All I want to do is split violins (3 note chords) into
3 staves with 1st, 2nd and 3rd violin.

NO PC software can do it!

Anyone who does it for PC will make a mint.

They can do it on a 10year old Atari with Notator,
but I've been searching for months and haven't found
any PC software that does it. If NoteWorthy or
one of you guys can program it, I need this feature

I'll register ten copies and give them to my friends
if NoteWorthy does it! *grin*

The instant that you realise there is some software
that can do it fly down and give it to me... I mean
right away!




Re: Importing/Splitting

Reply #5
There is a commercial program which will split tracks into however many parts are needed. If is Finale by Coda software. The academic price for Finale is $250 and regular retail is quite a bit more than that. The function that splits lines in Finale is "explode music," and there is also a function called "implode music" which will do the reverse. When exploding, if the track has 3 part chords, then it will make 3 seperate parts from that line. If some of the chords are 4 part, it will make a 4th line which has rests during the 3 part chords. However, cut and paste can fix that easily. The problem with Finale is that it is expensive and very complex. If Noteworthy Composer ever adds the splitting function, I'll be as happy as you are.