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Topic: v1.70h beta and SBLive (Read 2562 times) previous topic - next topic

v1.70h beta and SBLive

Hi again. I was looking through the midi controllers in NWC v1.70h beta when a set of strange things started to happen. For some obscure reason, the controllers did not work. Now I am sure that my soundcard (SBLive Plat) has those controllers and in the same addresses and I am fairly adept in MIDI and the use of the controllers to be sure that I was not using them incorrectly.

Initially I used MPCs to adjust reverb. That worked. Then I added a second MPC for Chorus on the same staff, but it didn't have an effect on the playback. Removing that and trying another controller had the same result - it did not play in playback. Removing the reverb didn't fix the situation - instead, it did not go and re-adding it with different settings did not work either. Only modulation seemed to have some minute effect. It could be my ears playing up, I don't know.

I restarted the PC and followed another sequence - started with chorus. That worked, but adding Reverb on the same staff had no effect and so on and so forth. I know it must not be the soundcards' fault, because using Cubase that comes packaged with the card didn't produce the same effects - the controllers worked fine. The only thing I can infer from this is that either there is a minute incompatibility problem here between NWC and SBLive, or there is a bug in the prog.

I would like to know if other users that use an SBLive experience the same problems - Shane?

I also noticed that for some reason, when in the staff properties or an instrument patch a selection of a different bank is made by ticking the box and putting numbers for bank and controller 32, the actual selection is affected by the selection in the sample selection window above, either one adjusts it previously or after the different patch is selected. Any reasons to why this is happenning?


Re: v1.70h beta and SBLive

Reply #1
There's presently quite an involved discussion around SBLive! issues on the newsgroup. If you have newsgroup access, it might be worth your while to join in on this. From what I gather, effective use of the SBLive! is a little trickier than it appears at first.

Re: v1.70h beta and SBLive

Reply #2
Not quite sure I understand the patch problem but the Program change must always follow the Bank change.
This means that if you change the bank - the channel retains the previous program (patch) until a program change message is received - the new patch will be come from the new bank.


Re: v1.70h beta and SBLive

Reply #3
I'm not on the newsgroup (and am too lazy to wait 1/2 hour to download the recent postings to it) so here's the info you need:

You need to use environments. Go to Audio HQ (the little icon that appears in your system tray) and click environmental audio. You'll get a window with a slider across the bottom, and options in the middle, and 4 tabs across the top: master/source/midi/options

Select /midi (duh :-) Under there you can map effects to controllers of your choosing. Be sure that chorus is mapped to controller 93. Go back to /master and be sure that chorus is turned up and not sitting at 0%.

Then in your midi file when you select controller 93 (chorus) it will work just fine. At least it does for me.

The great thing is that you can map other effects beside chorus too... explore that environmental audio window, learn it well. You've got some professional effects available right there just begging to be used, and there are so many combinations.