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Topic: staff playback synchronization (Read 7984 times) previous topic - next topic

staff playback synchronization

I'm a new user of NWC. I'm doing 4-part vocal music on 2 staves, and mostly it's been going OK. Just ran into a problem that I can't find discussed. I just added a new section to a song; but when I try to play it back, the treble staff plays one measure ahead of the bass staff! If you start the play from the beginning, it plays OK until it hits the second ending, when it somehow skips playing the first measure of the treble staff, and they are out of synch from then on. Did I do something wrong? I have no idea where to look in the HELP file (except the PLAY description, which doesn't talk about such a problem). I'd appreciate any suggestions.

Re: staff playback synchronization

Reply #1
Check to be sure that all flow direction commands and repeats are duplicated on all staves. Also, it's quite normal for repeats to act strangely when playing from an arbitrary point; this is apparently because the requisite repeat flag(s) haven't been set, as would be the case when playing the piece from the beginning.

Re: staff playback synchronization

Reply #2
You'll learn more on repeat usage looking at the repeat?.nwc Sample files, as specified in "Did you know" tip #6:

!newtip help=JumpID("nwc.hlp","MNU_ADDFLOWDIRECTION")
There are several samples included in the package that demonstrate how to create repeated sections in your songs using Flow Directions, Special Endings, and repeat bar lines.

Look for the songs REPEAT*.NWC in the Samples folder for details. The File Info in these songs explains them in more detail.
(end of quote)
So probably one repeat sign is not placed correctly on some staff (it must be on all staves, refer to )
Hope this helps, NWCly yours,

Re: staff playback synchronization

Reply #3
> it's quite normal for repeats to act strangely when
> playing from an arbitrary point

This should not be the case. If you have an example, it would be helpful if you sent it to us.

Re: staff playback synchronization

Reply #4
Thanks for the suggestions. It looks like what happened was that I put the second ending indicator on just the treble staff (since in a printed score it only shows there), and somehow the playback decided to skip that measure -- or something. Anyway, when I put the second ending indicator on the bass staff also, the synch problem went away. That just means that when I print it out I'll have to make a separate version of the file.

Thanks again for your help.

Re: staff playback synchronization

Reply #5
Webb Comfort, apparently you didn't look at the bottom of :-) ...where it's said that "although you have to enter the marks on every stave, NoteWorthy is clever enough to only print the marks on the top most stave." (Richard W) and "Somehow I assumed that the score would look like what I see on my screen" (Lars E)
So you won't need to separate version of file.

To support: I bet that if one starts playback from a measure between repeat signs, but NOT on the "good" staff, some strange behaviour occurs. Anyway, this seems normal to me, as the score is not consistent.


Re: staff playback synchronization

Reply #6
You're right -- I did not look at note 978. I don't know how to find note 978 in the archive; and I don't know how I should know that note 978 has something to do with my problem! But thanks for your help.

Re: staff playback synchronization

Reply #7
Hi Webb, to get to message 978, just click on this link :

You can set up links to previous messages by putting an exclamation mark in front of the message number. So (and obviously I can't use the exclamation mark in this example but will substitute a capital i for it) when posting this reply I used I378 to set up the link. Peter.

Re: staff playback synchronization

Reply #8
Darn it. I978 Peter