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Topic: Funny effect (Read 4675 times) previous topic - next topic

Funny effect

There's a logic behind it, but I was anyway a bit surprised.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
N.B. Of course I solved easily using MPC.

Re: Funny effect

Reply #1
I am curious, how did you expect it to play? On my computer, it becomes quieter and quieter with each repeat (which is what I expected it to do, based on the text note)

Re: Funny effect

Reply #2
On my computer, it becomes quieter and quieter with each repeat
On my computer, the entire fade is on the first time. The repeats are all ppp
Registered user since 1996

Re: Funny effect

Reply #3
On my computer, the entire fade is on the first time. The repeats are all ppp
Let me revise my earlier remark: it definitely fades during the first 2 repeats, and reaches the quietest level during the 3rd repeat, and stays at that level for the final repeat. I am curious why my computer would play differently. (Using Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth)

When I play back through my MIDI keyboard (Yamaha P-250 piano) it seems to fade faster, as in your case.

Re: Funny effect

Reply #4
it definitely fades during the first 2 repeats, and reaches the quietest level during the 3rd repeat
The MIDI messages the clip generates suggest otherwise:
Code: (mtxt) [Select · Download]
MFile 1 2 192
0 Meta Text "By <Name>"
0 Meta Copyright "Copyright \xc2\xa9 2017 <Name>"
0 Meta Copyright "All Rights Reserved"
0 Meta Text "Generated by NoteWorthy Composer"
0 Tempo 333333
0 Meta TrkEnd
0 Meta 0x21 00
0 Meta TrkName "Staff"
0 Par ch=1 c=7 v=127
0 Par ch=1 c=10 v=64
192 On ch=1 n=60 v=72
192 On ch=1 n=60 v=72
192 On ch=1 n=67 v=72
352 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
352 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
352 On ch=1 n=67 v=0
576 On ch=1 n=60 v=31
576 On ch=1 n=60 v=31
576 On ch=1 n=67 v=31
736 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
736 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
736 On ch=1 n=67 v=0
960 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
960 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
960 On ch=1 n=67 v=10
1120 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
1120 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
1120 On ch=1 n=67 v=0
1344 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
1344 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
1344 On ch=1 n=67 v=10
1504 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
1504 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
1504 On ch=1 n=67 v=0
1728 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
1728 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
1728 On ch=1 n=67 v=10
1888 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
1888 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
1888 On ch=1 n=67 v=0
2112 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
2112 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
2112 On ch=1 n=67 v=10
2272 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
2272 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
2272 On ch=1 n=67 v=0
2496 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
2496 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
2496 On ch=1 n=67 v=10
2656 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
2656 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
2656 On ch=1 n=67 v=0
2880 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
2880 On ch=1 n=60 v=10
2880 On ch=1 n=67 v=10
3040 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
3040 On ch=1 n=60 v=0
3040 On ch=1 n=67 v=0
3040 Meta TrkEnd
Registered user since 1996

Re: Funny effect

Reply #5
I stand corrected. Maybe my ears wanted the fade to stretch out, but now I hear that it falls off right away.


Re: Funny effect

Reply #6
Dynamic Variance Command

The duration of the transitional dynamic variance is based on the position of the dynamic that follows the variance in the staff. Note that repeats and flow direction marks are ignored when determining the dynamic that follows the variance. If the variance does not have a dynamic on both sides of it in the staff, it does not alter play back dynamics in any way.