Colr Options Dialog Tab 2015-11-21 10:21 PM I would like to set the colors for some notes. In the help section, there is a reference to the "Color Options Dialog Tab". How can I navigate to the 'Color Options Dialog Tab'? Is it perhaps available (within Noteworthy) under 'Tools', or perhaps 'File' or 'View'? Thank you. Quote Selected
Re: Colr Options Dialog Tab Reply #1 – 2015-11-22 12:32 AM From the menu it is |Notes|Color|From the keyboard press <\> (backslash)From the toolbar you'll see what appears to be an unlabelled square. Quote Selected
Re: Colr Options Dialog Tab Reply #2 – 2015-11-22 08:09 AM In addition to Lawrie's advice, please note that it is also possible to have the notehead a different color to the stem and also any articulation attached to the note a different color as well.So to change the notehead so that it is a different color to the stem, highlight the note , then go into the note properties (ALT+Enter). From the note tab, you will be able to change the notehead color.To change an articulation or slur, enter a marker before the note (use key @ or Menu, Insert, Marker). Then select the note property that you want to change on the dialog box presented. Options are Articulation, Slur or Triplet - you could select all three if you wanted all three to be the same color, Then click on the visibility box and select the colour you want for the option you selected.Click OK.Also note that if you have a Slur and an accent, you can set them as different colors by using two markers, one for the articulation (in this case the accent) and one for the slur. (Please note that a tie takes on the color of the notehead and is not independently controlled.) Also note that a marker will change the vertical position of the articulation, slur end or triplet symbol and so you may need to re-position the marker.It is also worth pointing out that if you find that the notes you enter have now "stuck" on a color, you need to change the color back to default. You can do this by Menu, Notes, Color , and clicking the default.Finally, the colors presented to you are those set up under Menu, Tools, Option, Color. You can change any of the highlights to a different color/shade here by "highlighting" clicking the highlight number and then clicking change. The defaults can be restored from here as well.It is worth noting that changed highlight colors are NOT saved with your music file, only the color highlight numbers. So you could change all the colors, save the file, restore the colors and your file would have the original colors. So print your copy off before you restore the colors to default, and do not expect a recipient of your Noteworthy file to have the same colors as you have defined. They will only have that if you both have default colors or the recipient has Noteworthy Composer and you can tell them the color numbers you defined.Hope this will alert you to some of the traps that you can fall into with color management. Quote Selected Last Edit: 2015-11-22 09:55 AM by Richard Woodroffe