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Topic: Duplets (Read 4005 times) previous topic - next topic


Is there any way to put in duplets?? I have a piece in 6/8 that has some duplets in it, so does anyone have suggestions on what to do?

Re: Duplets

Reply #1
There's been considerable discussion on this topic, if you are running Win95 I'd suggest getting the "off-line Forum" and doing a search on "duplets" and "n-tuplets." Various workarounds have been discussed.

The simple answer is.. no, this isn't currently supported. One possibility is if you have a lot of duplets and triplets mixed, write in 2/4 instead of 6/8. "Regular" 1/8 notes would then be duplets, and tripletted 1/8 notes would be the "usual" 6/8 eighth notes.

Re: Duplets

Reply #2
Or just use a dotted eighth not instead...

Re: Duplets

Reply #3
Use the force:-)

Re: Duplets

Reply #4
Dotted eighths are best (and more accessible to most of us than the "Force"). In fact, there is actual published music by actual famous composers (Benjamin Britten comes to mind) where dotted eighths are used in this way, so it is a legitimate solution to the problem.

Of course, this isn't to say that Eric shouldn't put duplets into some future version of NWC. I just wouldn't like it to distract him from the _real_ issue, which is quintuplets. For the lack of these there's no reasonable work-around whatever.


Re: Duplets

Reply #5
Re ?tuplets the best way in my view is type in the number of note you want and print out without auditing the bar lines then bracket the notes in the ? uplets and mark with ink the number required. I know it will not sound correct but if you use Noteworthy as a composer's template thats the best it can do on this sticky subject. Best of luck