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Topic: NWC Viewer 2.51 [Testing Concluded, Release Available] (Read 23125 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC Viewer 2.51 [Testing Concluded, Release Available]

NoteWorthy Composer Viewer Version 2.51 includes all of the improvements found in NWC 2.51 that also apply to the viewing experience.

Operating System Requirements:
Windows 2000/Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (x86 or x64)

Release Candidate 1 is attached.

NWC Viewer Portable - Version 2.51 RC 1

Reply #1
A trial version of a PortableApps edition of the NWC Viewer is attached to this post. You should use the Apps, Install a New App command in the platform interface to run this install (after you download it).