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Topic: Access Old, Saved .nwc Files on a Different Computer? (Read 5610 times) previous topic - next topic

Access Old, Saved .nwc Files on a Different Computer?

I need some serious help! My boyfriend has been using Noteworthy Composer2 for years, and he has created a ton of files that he saved onto his flash drive. Unfortunately, his computer stopped working (as in, the icons can't be opened, and it's been that way for several months), which is why I'm trying to do this on my computer. He's going off to college soon, and he desperately needs to print off all of the files he made so that he can use them when he starts teching a band during school. I have all of the files on his flash, but they're in .nwc format, and I have no idea how to open them. I've downloaded the trial version of NWC2, but whenever I try to open the files, it says that the files are unregistered (and I have no idea what that means). I was wondering if anyone knew how I could access them on my laptop so that I can print them and, ideally, convert them into a different format (like .pdf) so that he can access them once he purchases a new computer.

Thanks so much!

Re: Access Old, Saved .nwc Files on a Different Computer?

Reply #1
I can't exactly remember what the differences are between registered and unregistered files, but certainly  this has changed as NoteWorthy versions have increased.

A licence for NoteWorthy composer does not cost much and so that is one of your options.  The licensed version opens all files and then once you open an unregistered file and save it using the licensed program, the music then becomes licensened and there will no longer be any restrictions.

As far as converting to pdf is concerned, you can use a pdf printer. There are many free ones out there, The one I use is PDF creator which you can find by using a search engine.
Once you install your pdf printer, you can then use it exactly as a printer except that it creates a pdf file on your disk.  Since my copy of NoteWorthy is registered and has been through many many versions, I can't actually tell you if you can create a pdf copy of an unregistered nwc score using the evaluation version. You would need to try (unless someone else knows the answer), but as I say, registering your copy will not cost much ($49) and then you will be able to do what you want.

Go here for more info


Re: Access Old, Saved .nwc Files on a Different Computer?

Reply #2
Since 1998

Re: Access Old, Saved .nwc Files on a Different Computer?

Reply #3
whenever I try to open the files, it says that the files are unregistered (and I have no idea what that means).
It means this:
Quote from:
any files that you create in this evaluation version are not portable to other computers, other digital media, or other versions of NoteWorthy Composer.
Since the eval that created them appears to be "toast", the only way to open the files it created is with a registered version of NWC.

I was wondering if anyone knew how I could access them on my laptop so that I can print them and, ideally, convert them into a different format (like .pdf) so that he can access them once he purchases a new computer.
As Richard says above, buy the registered version of NWC 2.5
It will open the unregistered files and allow you to save them save them as registered files. Registered files can be printed from any up to date registered version of NWC or from the free NWC Viewer. Attempting to open unregistered files with the Viewer fails with the attached popup.

Conversion to PDF is usually done from a "PDF to file" printer driver. There are several free ones available. I use doPDF, ver. 7.2
Registered user since 1996

Re: Access Old, Saved .nwc Files on a Different Computer?

Reply #4
Two more possibilities: (1) find someone local with a registered copy of NWC who is willing to convert the files so that they can be opened with the Viewer; (2) get the BF's computer fixed. From your description, it boots up to the desktop but just won't open any programs. That might (emphasize might) be a simple repair. (This may sound silly, but have you tried using a different mouse? If the desktop is showing, complete with icons, but the mouse won't open anything on it, the mouse would be my first suspect.)

But Rick and Rich are correct: the program costs so little, especially compared to other music notation programs, that there's really no reason not to register it. And that would definitely solve your problem.



Re: Access Old, Saved .nwc Files on a Different Computer?

Reply #5
You used to be able to Print from the free Viewer. Is that not the case anymore?
And of course, what everyone says, it is easy to use a PDF creator program as a printer to conert to pdf.