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Topic: A dumb question... (Read 3878 times) previous topic - next topic

A dumb question...

Is it possible to "write" a score by playing it on a midi keyboard instead of typing it in?


Re: A dumb question...

Reply #1
The only "dumb" questions are those that are NOT asked.

You certainly can "play" a score in from a midi keyboard.

You can do this as "step" entry.
Select the duration for the note/s and play in the pitch of the note/s from the keyboard.
Use the "keyboard" icon on the toolbar to do this.
If your keyboard has a pitch wheel and a modulation wheel you can use these to select durations and dotted durations without having to select them on the screen or through the qwerty keyboard (see the Help file).

You can also "record" in realtime.
Select a rhythm template from among the samples provided (or create your own rhythm track - a measure with a large number of local repeats) to give you a metronome rhythm to play against.
Click on the "Record" button and play along - click on Stop when complete.

Depending on how you have set up the Import Options for recording the data may appear in a new window, a "record" staff group or will remain in the buffer and will not be displayed at all.
The settings for recording can be found in the Tools - Options - Record.

If you have selected Buffer as your import option the recorded data will not appear on the screen but must be imported into a staff using menu Staff - Import Recording.
This method has the advantage that you can control how the data is quantised and where the staff split occurs in a piano grand staff.
Read the Help section on Importing Midi files to understand this method.

With any of these import options you can always import the recording buffer into another staff with different settings if you are not happy with the original try.

I would suggest that you read the Help files on Step and Realtime erecording methods and also the sections on connecting your keyboard and setting up the Midi ports.

Hope all this helps.


Re: A dumb question...

Reply #2
And if you don't have a real midi keyboard, you may have a fake one, thanks to piano21.exe !!

You may get it via :
(note: my email addresses in this post are no more valid)

It's already been discussed, but I don't remember if it was in the forum or/and the NG.
I bet it can be found in the offline forum ( ), though.

Hope this helps!
