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Topic: A#/Bb accidentals (Read 3000 times) previous topic - next topic

A#/Bb accidentals

I've noticed that when transposing a staff into another key, where accidentals are present, Noteworthy insists on putting in A#s instead of Bbs, even if transposing into a flat key. Is there a way of specifying preferences re accidentals?


Re: A#/Bb accidentals

Reply #1
Not directly, or completely. That is, you have your choice of all-flats in non-scale accidentals (flat keys), or all-sharps (C or sharp keys). However, let's say you have a simple piece in D minor harmonic (one flat, plus all occurrence of C sharped), by default the C#'s will show as Db's. You can change this by 1) forcing accidentals, 2) transposing 0 steps in a sharp key (e.g. G), 3) change the key signature to F/Dm (1 flat), and again transposing 0 steps.