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Topic: NWC file association not possible (Read 7216 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC file association not possible

I am unable to click onto a file with extension NWC and have that file displayed in NoteWorthy Composer. The latter loads OK , but then I get a message saying "Cannot find the file 'C:\ ...." (or one of its components). Make sure that the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available."
I have had this problem with a number of versions of NWC (I'm afraid I can't remember how the problem started now) and am currently using NWC 1.50. I don't have this problem with any other application like Word (doc files), PaintShop Pro (numerous graphics formats)etc.
I can, of course, load NoteWorthy Composer then, once in it, load the NWC file I want to. It's just that I would like to be able to do it the other way to.
Once in NoteWorthy Composer, everything is fine.
Eric of NoteWorthy Artware spent some time with me and we went through the Win95 Registry etc without finding anything unusual. I've tried deleting the file association registration then re-registering it, but the fault continues to appear.
Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #1
We do not recommend trying to setup the NWC file association manually (the setup routine does this for you). However, if you must do it, here is how to do it:

- Open the REGEDIT program

- Goto the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.nwc key (if it does not exist, then you must create it).

- Set the default value for this key to "nwcomposer"

- Now, goto the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/nwcomposer key (if it does not exist, then you must create it).

- Set the default value to "NoteWorthy Composer Song"

- Create the remaining keys as follows (if the key does not exist, then you must create it):

Set the default to your NWC32.EXE program, specifying its full short filename patch (eg. "C:\PROGRA~1\NOTEWO~1\NWC32.EXE")

Set the default to "[Open(%1)]"

Set the default to "NWC32"

Set the default to "System"

Once completed, you have setup a file association between .nwc files and the 32-bit NoteWorthy Composer program when the Open command is requested from the Windows Explorer. Windows will open the file by first starting NWC32, then telling NWC32 to open the file using a DDE conversation.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #2
I would recommend exporting the registry to a floppy before changing it. If you have an oops you can import from the floppy to get back to current status.
An alternate to straight manual entry might be:
uninstall NWC from start\settings\control panel\add/remove programs
registry\export registry (if you are chicken like me)
find, right click, and delete the .nwc and noteworthy composer entries mentioned above from the tree
exit regedit and reinstall NWC

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #3
Thanks for the replies from NWC Support and Drake Donahue. Sadly, neither offered a solution to the problem. I confess I have almost given up hope of finding what's wrong.
Incidentally, I tried backing up the Registry as suggested by Drake but could only find a floppy with 1.2MB free. Believe it or not, the Registry backup filled up the floppy and I got an error message. I decided to proceed without the backup and, fortunately, didn't run into any problems.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #4
If you are chicken (like me) make a copy c:\windows\win.ini under another name or in another directory.
click on win.ini to bring it up front and expand it to fill configuration editor
search\find nwc
should bring you to a line under under programs like: NWC32.EXE="C:\NoteWorthy Composer\NWC32.EXE"
If you don't have it you need it and the path in quotes should be correct for the copy of NWC32 that works for you.
Continue to find nwc to the bottom of the file to eliminate any extra NWC= entries that point to wrong locations.
BTW you have a HUGE registry. :) You can export to your hard drive if you wish.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #5
John: We will send you a debug utility and procedure in an email. We are writing the test procedure now, and should be sending it to you by the end of today (Sunday, 22-Feb-1998). Perhaps an error in your system is causing the problem, and maybe we can determine this through diagnostics.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #6
OK, a diagnostic package has been sent to your email address. After running the test, you can send the result in an email reply (per the instructions in the package), or simply add the results to this thread.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #7
I have had this problem with Word Files using MS Office professional. I was strongly advised not to interfere with the registries and to re-install Ms Office. As soon as it was re-installed all was well.
Hope this helps.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #8
My current conclusion is that the autostart hook in NWC is no longer present.
Perhaps it never was and I'm remembering Noteworthy Player when I remember Noteworthy autoplaying my .NWC files.
It further appears that if Player was installed and autostarting and then Composer was installed, Composer takes over the .nwc extension. It appears composer has the handles to load, to start, to load the designated song, but not to play it automatically.
The easy way out, download and install NoteWorthy player. If clicking a .nwc plays it in player then tutto bene.
If not, open any directory or My Computer.
View\Folder Options\File Types
Hunt down and double click NoteWorthy Composer.
In the large white window in the dialog box should be two entries: open
One of the two will be in darker print.
If open is darker, a problem is found..
Click Set Default until Play is in dark type.
Close and ok out.
Try a double click on a .nwc, Player should jump up and play it.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #9
Thanks for resetting my memory on that.
The user can reverse the action.
Change the default as discussed in my last post to play and a double click will start NWPlayer playing the tune, a right click and open will start NWComposer with the tune awaiting editing respectively.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #10
Yes, this is a good tip. The user can decide which command should be the default action in Explorer. This is possible from the View Options command in the Explorer. This kind of change is relatively easy, and does not require that technical file association details be changed (so it is a much safer operation to perform).

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #11
New information from John has indicated that his *.nwc file association works correctly once he has started NWC32. However, Windows does not properly perform the association if NWC32 is not already running. Has anyone else experienced this? Some further details are this problem, and other association fact, are listed below:

- NoteWorthy Player is an SDI (Single Document Interface) program, so we did not implement the DDE version of File Associations. This is because users want a new Player window to appear when loading a new NWC file, rather than just having a single copy of Player running all the time that opens the last file that was clicked in the Exporer.
- NoteWorthy Composer does not currently accept command line arguments, so it will not load an *.nwc file that is dropped onto the NWC icon in the Explorer (this is becuase Windows just converts the dropped file into a command line argument when it opens the command that was targeted by the drop). You can, however, drag and drop files from Explorer into an already open NWC program.
- The DDE file associations are working on John's system, but only after he has started NWC32. If NWC32 is not already running, the DDE mechanism fails to perform the DDE association procedure as defined by Microsoft. It is supposed to work as follows:
DDE File Association Steps after an file action is requested in Explorer:

Step 1: Explorer opens a DDE conversation with the application. If this succeeds, then the application is told to open the requested file and skip the remaining steps. From the infomation in your latest email, this step appears to work correctly on John's system.
Step 2: If the DDE conversation attempt in Step 1 fails, then the Explorer should start the target application using the command line specified in the registry. This step also appears to be working almost correctly on John's system.
Step 3: Once the program is started from Step 2, the procedure from Step 1 should be performed again (the DDE conversation should be initiated, and a request to open the selected file should be sent to the program). This step, possibly combined with a problem in step 1 or 2 above, is NOT being performed correctly on John's system. The error message from Windows is not very descriptive. It is not necessarily trying to tell you that the selected file does not exist, but rather is trying to say that it encountered an error while trying to initiate the DDE conversation with NWC32.
For those experienciong the problem: Do you have something running on your system that might be interfering with this process? Perhaps something on your system is causing a delay (like an anti-virus utility, crash guard program, etc), thus triggering a synchronization problem between step 2 and 3 in the above procedure. Our advice would be to try the open procedure after closing everything else down on your system that is not needed. One way to do this is to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, then select each running item shown in the Close Program Window, except for "Systray" and "Explorer" (if you close these items, your system will cease to function correctly).

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #12
NoteWorthy Player associates a "Play" command with *.nwc files, accessible by right clicking on any nwc file. MIDI files also get some associations to the player. Composer always associates as the Open command for *.nwc files, regardless of if or when the Player is installed.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #13
I'd just like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who offered assistance in my hour of need and to inform you that, thanks to Eric and the team at Noteworthy Support, the problem has been solved to my satisfaction.

A great bunch of people supporting a great piece of software.

Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #14
As a result of this thread, changes were incorporated into the latest maintenance release in an effort to help. Version 1.50b adds full support for opening a .nwc file from the command line, at the same time as NWC.EXE or NWC32.EXE is loaded. The DDE version continues to be fully supported as well, so the choice remains with the user as to which method to use.

Version 1.50b is available now. Goto to get it.


Re: NWC file association not possible

Reply #15
Having read the thread regarding file association/registry problems - which, incidentally, are not by any means unique to NWC - I have discovered a relatively easy method to deal with the problem.

As a Windows 95 user, I have found it lacks some of the benefits of Windows 3.XX.
I have since re-loaded the Windows 3.1 "winfile.exe" to my Windows95 root \WINDOWS folder.( The old MSDOS Dosshell works in similar fashion. )
When problems occur such as discussed above, I open "Winfile" and make the necessary "File"---> "Association". This saves the bother of using Windows95 "Regedit.exe".
( The MSDOS Dosshell works in similar fashion. )

