Re: Another flow control issue
Reply #11 –
some extended examples...
Basic flow exactly as in source work, ignoring several sets of master repeats along the way AFTER the DC:
As above but using hidden master repeats to force the first and second time bars to function:
Please note that further into the work there are several sets of master repeats with special endings PRIOR to the coda that never execute because of the way NWC ignores master repeats once a DC or DS has been encountered unless they are in the coda...
I realise that NWC can't read minds (nods to Rick) but flow control could be a little more (or is that less?) prescriptive...
Managing loops properly when programming can be a pain (from the days when I did any kind of amateur coding at all), and what is sheet music if not a "program" for the musician, so I understand that getting this to work as an intelligent and intuitive musician would is a challenge, but I have faith in Eric - he cuts good code (witness how NWC doesn't crash).