Here is a wrapper script I wrote so that I could save your output as a file. I have used your output in a file as input to a Python script that converts it to XML. The converter is posted under:
"nwcPythonTxt to xml converter"
Thanks for your good work. I find I am much more productive in Python. Here is the code, which is mostly yours. Thanks again.
#Joe Dorocak's small additions to kahman's :
#pyNWC-a .nwctxt syntax parser (I/O) in python
#Created by NWC forum user kahman.
#Use it however you please. Feel free to modify it, but please return all modifications to the forum.
#See below for known bugs.
#If you want to "translate" it into another computer language, feel free to do so. If you want to modify it, feel free to do so.
#Basically, what it does is you can give it a line of code and it will process it by | and :, so |Note|Dur:4th|Pos:0 becomes the line of code ['Note', {'Dur': '4th', 'Pos': '0'}]
#If anyone makes any modifications, post them here.
#At some point, someone should write a converter to/from MXML...sigh.
#Oh, and at some point, I'll work on a program to convert from this back to NWCTXT.
#If you find a bug, please post it here.
#Known bugs:
# *Cannot import lyrics that have line-breaks in them.
""" Translates NWCTextFormat to PythonListDictFormat
Usage: infileName outfileName
Example: mySong.nwctxt
def parsefile(_file):
"parse one file"
_file=_file.split('\n') #split the file by line
for x in range(len(_file)): #for each remaining line,
_file[x]=parseline(_file[x]) #parse it seperately
while 1: #until error occurs
_file.remove(None) #remove a None from the list
except ValueError: #if there is no None,
break #break
return _file
def parseline(line):
"parse one line"
if line=='': #if line is blank,
return None #destroy it
elif line[0]=='#': #or if it's a comment,
return None #destroy it
elif line[0]=='!': #or if it's start/end marker,
return None #destroy it
line=line.split('|') #split the line by |
output.append(line[1]) #set what object it is
for x in line[2:]: #then for each property/value
y=(x.split(':')) #split it into property and value
output[1][y[0]]=y[1] #and add these to the dictionary
return output
def writefile(tree):
"write a file"
output='!NoteWorthyComposer(2.0)\n' #start empty output
for x in tree: #for each line
output=output+writeline(x)+'\n' #process it seperately
return output
def writeline(line):
"write a line"
output='|' #start empty output
for x in line[1].keys():
output=output+'|%s:%s' %(x, line[1][x])
return output
import sys
N_ARGS = 2
def main(argv=None):
if argv == None: argv=sys.argv
args = argv[1:] #NOTE: args[0] != argv[0] == <full path to>
if len(args) != N_ARGS or "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
print __doc__
f = open(args[0], 'r'); s =; f.close() # get the input file into s
s2 = parsefile(s) # translate s into s2
f = open(args[1], 'w'); f.write(str(s2)); f.close() # write str(s2) into the output file
print 'Translated ' + str(args[0]) + ' yielding ' + str(args[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
Thanks again.
All the best