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Topic: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x (Read 10820 times) previous topic - next topic

Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Put these clips on separate staves. You will notice that measure 2 is wider than the rest. If you layer them, it is apparent that more space preceedes the first note than the second.  If you make the first rest or bar (in the second staff) visible, the problem goes away.  Clefs, KeySigs or TimeSigs seems to have no effect, but outside of these, if a Grace Note is the first visible item on a staff, it gets misaligned.

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Registered user since 1996

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #1
Rick, I'm not sure I understand.

In the edit window, measure 2 is the same size in both staffs, and I can't see a difference in the space between the preceding bar lines and the grace notes, layered or unlayered. I've taken it up to a zoom level of 50 pixels, and can't see a flaw.

In the preview window, unlayered, there are no bar lines in measures 1 and 2 of staff 2,  nor rests visible in those bars either.  However, the grace notes are visible and appear to be correctly placed before the first non-ornamental object.
I added a third staff for a visual check, using this clip, and it confirms that the bar lines are correctly aligned whether or not the first staff is layered over the second.

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What am I missing?

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #2
I can't figure out what the problem is either.  Everything seems to line up just fine. Perhaps there are differing time signatures at the beginning of your staves?

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #3
Hmm, I think I can see what Rick is getting at.  If you look at the 2nd grace note it lines up almost on top of the barline where the first one doesn't.  You can see it in Print Preview.

I haven't explored any other combinations in detail yet - not really in the mood to investigate at the moment :)

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #4
David: the problem is in Preview (and in printing). Your clip just obscures the problem by forcing a system break. If I don't increase space for longer notes, and print my clips to a file (at 16pt, 300dpi), measure 2 is 125 pixels wide, the others are around 87.

Correction to my original post: making the bar line visible doesn't help. Make the rest visible or add some visible text to see measure 2 shrink.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #5
Hi Rick,

I do see the effect Lawrie describes now, with the grace note in bar 3 crowding the bar line in front of it, in print preview.  I didn't see it until I changed printer settings to 300 dpi, but now that I've done that, and switched back, the poor placement continues.

I still don't see a difference between the length of measures 2 and 3.  On my flat screen, highly magnified, in preview they are both 4 centimetres.  Bars 1, 4 and 5 are about 3.8 cms.  The difference would only be attributable to the grace note widths, I think.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if I can see the problem or not.  You're encountering it, and it may be a bug.

What is it you were trying to do?  I can see trying to use grace notes for cues by anchoring them to hidden rests (I tried that a few days ago, unsuccessfully).  You can do cues by using grace notes anchored to real notes on a second staff, and making the real note properties visible, muted, blank notehead, stem length zero.

Try this

Staff 1
Code: [Select · Download]
Staff 2
Code: [Select · Download]
Layer them.  Playback seems wonky, but this is for printing, no?

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #6
I guess I wasn't clear in my intent. I was just reporting a bug on the chance that the coding error might manifest itself elsewhere. I think that's what beta testing is.

It appears to me as though grace notes are skipping some of the setup that other objects do.

I fixed the music I was working on before I posted. It's a 20th century piece that is a printer's nightmare. I'm just using it as a "testbed" to explore NWC2's limits.

Sorry for the confusion.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #7
This bug still exists in Beta 2.19
Registered user since 1996

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #8
Changing the way NWC2 spacing is applied in this situation basically effects everything (system performance, as well as viewed results). This is the reason why this has not changed, at least thus far. We are still considering a change to the spacing algorithm that could improve scenarios with a lot of hidden objects, but we have not committed to doing this yet.

Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #9
We are still considering a change to the spacing algorithm that could improve scenarios with a lot of hidden objects, but we have not committed to doing this yet.
Thanks for the explanation. I'll revisit this topic in another 18 months or so.
Registered user since 1996


Re: Bug: Grace Note Spacing in Preview 1x

Reply #10
3 months late, but the problem is still there.
Registered user since 1996