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Topic: Rests. (Read 3735 times) previous topic - next topic


Please advise me how to align a rest note together
with a normal note.

For example, a quater rest on the upper staff, and a E note
on the lower staff; but both are aligned at the some
position, instead putting a rest note at the center of the


Re: Rests.

Reply #1
What do you mean ??? Quarter rests are on the proper place I think!?

Re: Rests.

Reply #2
I'm not sure, but I think what you're running into is that NWC will let you enter just about anything into a given bar, regardless of whether the timing is correct.

This is actually a *good* thing, as it gives you a lot more control over your printed score.

That being said, to be musically proper (not to mention making your scores playable), you must have the same total time value in each staff for any given bar. I.e. if you're in 4/4 time, you need the equivalent of a whole note in each staff, in every bar.

NWC has a wonderful tool called "Audit Bar Lines" which will adjust your bar lines to put the proper time value into each bar for the selected staff. If you do this (or are careful about time during the original entry), notes and rests should line up. The exception is rests taking up the entire bar (i.e. whole rests in 4/4, half rests in 2/4, etc.) in which case they're printed in the centre of the bar per the usual musical convention (and for a much better appearance and readability).

Hope I didn't answer the wrong question incorrectly... :-)

Re: Rests.

Reply #3
Also note that the "whole rest" is well-named : one is enough for any measure length. I use it for 4/2 and it acts as expected (takes 8 quarter) musically speaking.

Re: Rests.

Reply #4
dear sir/madam,
i want to know where is the whole rest & the halp rest, also the 6-together note, i mean a quater note is divided into 6 notes.sorry for my poor English coz i'm Chinese, thx~~


Re: Rests.

Reply #5
Select the correct note length (whole note or half note) and then use the Spacebar to enter the rest.

To do 6 eighth or sixteenth notes, simply highlight the group of six notes with the mouse and press Control-T (for "triplet"). It may mark them with a 3 instead of a six, but is has the desired effect.