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Topic: Untying syncopated eights into quarters. (Read 3768 times) previous topic - next topic

Untying syncopated eights into quarters.

Is there a simple way to change eights tied together into quarters?  I have imported a midi file with much syncopation and would like to change this
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Since 1998

Re: Untying syncopated eights into quarters.

Reply #1
  • add a TimeSig of: 128/1
  • add a Playing Style of: Tenuto
  • export it as MIDI
  • import the MIDI
  • change the TimeSig to 'Common'
  • delete the rests at the end
  • Audit Bar Lines
you get:
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A notation program I used years ago had a 'Join' command. It would join 2 notes to the right of the cursor into 1. I couldn't make a User Tool to reliably do this. One of many I abandoned.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Untying syncopated eights into quarters.

Reply #2
Rick is great as usual!

I couldn't make a User Tool to reliably do this.

In this case I see more effective a "macro" than a user tool.
But NWC doesn't support macros and the ancient win31 macro recorder/player is a bit obsolete.

Not having macros, what about using H (not the German for B! :-) for "hide", that is, Visibility->Never?
I long for it...

Re: Untying syncopated eights into quarters.

Reply #3
I definitely agree with Flurmy:  Rick's advice has been quite useful and saved me from pounding my head on the keyboard on more than one occasion.. thanks!

I have written a few macros for the Semware Editor, but it can only read and write to a file or the clipboard, not sysin and sysout like the user tools do.  With the use of nwctxt (same format used by NWC when items are copied to the clipboard) I'll probably use it a lot more often.
Since 1998


Re: Untying syncopated eights into quarters.

Reply #4
Thanks for the feedback. I almost didn't post the above idea. If there are just a few problems, they are easier to correct by hand. I was afraid that my post would be perceived as another one of "Rick's convoluted solutions to a simple problem."

I use the technique when it is obvious that most of the barlines are in the wrong place. A good clue is that there are more barlines with notes tied across them than not. If it is popular music, I tend not to look at the melody line as ties across barlines happen with alarming regularity.

I move the bass staff to the top and set the opening TimeSig to 128/1. Starting at the end, I add a normal TimeSig where I think the downbeat should be. The downbeat is usually easiest to see on the bass staff (or hear: Shift+F5 is your friend). Sometimes I get lucky and the import starts to make sense rather quickly.
Registered user since 1996