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Topic: How do I separate notes on a staff? (Read 2544 times) previous topic - next topic

How do I separate notes on a staff?

I downloaded a nwc file and the tenor and bass notes are "linked" together.  I want to separate then so I can listen or mute individual parts.  How do I accompllish this?

Re: How do I separate notes on a staff?

Reply #2
If you have NWC2, you can also use the "Parts" user tool.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: How do I separate notes on a staff?

Reply #3
Thanks, Lawrie.  As I may have mentioned elsewhere, I have not yet familiarized myself with all the user tools, so I didn't think of looking to them for a solution.  My bad, as they say.

Kman, welcome to the forums.  Go with Lawrie's suggestion rather than mine.  I haven't actually used either technique.